Forums - [MvC2] Blackheart Show all 49 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- [MvC2] Blackheart ( Posted by Razor on 01:20:2002 08:49 AM: [MvC2] Blackheart We all know the infinite, but wanna post your good combos/arial raves? I got one: launch,lp,lk,ad+f,lk,lp,mk Posted by Raz0r on 01:20:2002 04:33 PM: I usually go for Inferno XX HoD if they are a screen away and decide to call an assist. Or in the corner: c. lk, c. lk., CapCom assist, Inferno XX HoD, s. hk, airdash in, repeat. It resets the combo but I believe they can mash out of it. Posted by BIG BAD MOG on 01:20:2002 05:10 PM: I like doing a combo that i saw on a vid before. AD at the guy lk, lk, crouchinglk, lk, Juggernaut Punch assist, Inferno, HOD. Its so fun! Posted by GeekBoy on 01:20:2002 06:38 PM: This is probably BH's most powerful air combo: Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, air dash F, sj.LP, sj.LK, throw, it does a LOT of damage for some reason and it looks really cool. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 01:20:2002 06:52 PM: (call Doom-b) C.LK,C.LK (Doom hits) ^ SJ.LK,SJ.MK XX airdash + SJ.HK, land, begin infinite. Yes, that is a SJ cancel in the middle. -DFA Posted by KKCapcom2 on 01:20:2002 07:37 PM: (Self InfernoXXHoD),, land, Launch, Inferno XX HOD. (Self InfernoXXHoD in Corner),, land, Launch, Inferno , (OTG),, InfernoXX HoD,, Posted by GeekBoy on 01:20:2002 08:40 PM: Also, another good combo is Launch XX Armageddon Posted by strider_hien on 01:20:2002 09:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Also, another good combo is Launch XX Armageddon As corny as this combo may look, when you do this in the corner, it takes off insane damage. Posted by Dasrik on 01:20:2002 09:27 PM: j.short -> j.forward, df.fierce ^ sj.fierce xx judgement day (NOTE: get the fierce demons to whiff on the way out, so they hit on the way back and set the opponent up to take all the hits from JD) (corner) c.short -> c.strong xx judgement day (Old combo from MSF, still works) (on Sentinel) c.short + Commando assist -> c.forward (CapCom hits) xx dark thunder xx HOD (Sentinel is too heavy for typical inferno xx HOD to work outside corner, but this will.) Posted by Razor on 01:20:2002 10:35 PM: Awesome, its good too see the use of BH's supers besides HoD. btw, Geekboy, which throw is best his HK or FP? Posted by GeekBoy on 01:20:2002 10:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by Razor Awesome, its good too see the use of BH's supers besides HoD. btw, Geekboy, which throw is best his HK or FP? Either one, whichever you prefer really. The P throw is the one where he does the electricity, the K throw is the demon pumping one, which is the one I use (It looks dope) Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:21:2002 12:33 AM: I'm having problems with his infinite, you know, where you jump and throw RH Demons. I can't seem to get that down. I know a couple of combos with BH. - c. lk, c. mp, crouch cancel, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mk. - c. lk, s. mp, Inferno xx HOD or Armageddon - c. lk (Call Doom AAA), c. mk, assist hits, Inferno xx HOD, d/f hp before he/she hits the ground, Fierce throw. - c. lk (call CapCom AAA), c. mk, assist hits, Inferno xx HOD I also suck with BH. All I know is superjump, throw Demons, airdash, throw Demons yet again, repeat. Or Inferno xx HOD and Judgement Day to chip. Yeah, I need help, BAD. Posted by Razor on 01:21:2002 01:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy This is probably BH's most powerful air combo: Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, air dash F, sj.LP, sj.LK, throw, it does a LOT of damage for some reason and it looks really cool. I just got this one down pact, VERY GOOD, SOOOO SWEET!!!!!!! although instead of the throw, (which could be tech'ed) I might just go with lp,lk,lp,AD+F,lp,lk,mp,mk Posted by Razor on 01:21:2002 01:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin I'm having problems with his infinite, you know, where you jump and throw RH Demons. I can't seem to get that down. I know a couple of combos with BH. - c. lk, c. mp, crouch cancel, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mk. - c. lk, s. mp, Inferno xx HOD or Armageddon - c. lk (Call Doom AAA), c. mk, assist hits, Inferno xx HOD, d/f hp before he/she hits the ground, Fierce throw. - c. lk (call CapCom AAA), c. mk, assist hits, Inferno xx HOD I also suck with BH. All I know is superjump, throw Demons, airdash, throw Demons yet again, repeat. Or Inferno xx HOD and Judgement Day to chip. Yeah, I need help, BAD. LoL!! well the only thing I can think of to help with your BH infinite prob is maybe... slow it down a bit? You really have a lot of time to get your fingers in position with this infinite Posted by 24kt Blackheart on 01:21:2002 02:13 AM: I got one with LK, LK, Hard Punch XX in the Launcher..then the inferno let them hit the floor the Hard Punch, Super Jump Hard punch then..the super blackheart Spits on you with his Demons Posted by GeekBoy on 01:21:2002 08:01 AM: Theoretically, I think this works: Corner: c.LK + Cyke, c.LK, Inferno XX HOD, d/f.FP XX Armageddon Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:21:2002 08:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Theoretically, I think this works: Corner: c.LK + Cyke, c.LK, Inferno XX HOD, d/f.FP XX Armageddon But wouldn't flying screen occur after Inferno XX HOD? I'll try it but I still think flying screen is gonna activate after Inferno XX HOD. And I heard something about Inferno XX HOD x5. Posted by Dasrik on 01:21:2002 08:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Theoretically, I think this works: Corner: c.LK + Cyke, c.LK, Inferno XX HOD, d/f.FP XX Armageddon Everyone seems to be forgetting that a connected HOD ACTIVATES FLYING SCREEN which means you can't do specials, supers or assist calls. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:21:2002 08:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Everyone seems to be forgetting that a connected HOD ACTIVATES FLYING SCREEN which means you can't do specials, supers or assist calls. My bad, thought the rules didn't apply in corner. Posted by DarthSalamander on 01:21:2002 10:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Either one, whichever you prefer really. The P throw is the one where he does the electricity, the K throw is the demon pumping one, which is the one I use (It looks dope) Ground throw with Feirce is the demon pumping one. Ground throw with Roundhouse is electricity. In the air Fierce and Roundhouse both do electricity. Posted by DarthSalamander on 01:21:2002 10:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by Razor I just got this one down pact, VERY GOOD, SOOOO SWEET!!!!!!! although instead of the throw, (which could be tech'ed) I might just go with lp,lk,lp,AD+F,lp,lk,mp,mk Don't end BH's air combos with mk. It causes flying screen and BH can be hit during his dash for free. Storm can C.Roundhouse you, another BH can c.short, c.forard you (into assist into InfernoXX HOD), etc. Ending a combo with mk in the corner is safe because there is no forced dash in. But if you don't want to throw at the end, end with the and possibly throw out demons if you want to. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:21:2002 04:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Either one, whichever you prefer really. The P throw is the one where he does the electricity, the K throw is the demon pumping one, which is the one I use (It looks dope) Note: his hk is soooooo easy to tech hit and u cant air throw with it..... i stick with his hp throw...... i mean u can tech hit hk sooooooooooooooooooo easily..... Posted by Adam*Warlock on 01:21:2002 06:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy My bad, thought the rules didn't apply in corner. Actually, geekboy, you're right. the flying screen doesn't activate (which is why in the corner you can dash and launch or whatever after HOD) but the rules still apply. There's no chase sequence, but you still can't use any specials or supers, so it limits your options. quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Everyone seems to be forgetting that a connected HOD ACTIVATES FLYING SCREEN which means you can't do specials, supers or assist calls. Everyone seems to forget that you can press both assists for the HOD and negate the flying screen effect completely. Blackheart can do some wicked ass damage and set up things nicely using this alone. quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin But wouldn't flying screen occur after Inferno XX HOD? I'll try it but I still think flying screen is gonna activate after Inferno XX HOD. And I heard something about Inferno XX HOD x5. See above quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander Don't end BH's air combos with mk. It causes flying screen and BH can be hit during his dash for free. Storm can C.Roundhouse you, another BH can c.short, c.forard you (into assist into InfernoXX HOD), etc. Ending a combo with mk in the corner is safe because there is no forced dash in. But if you don't want to throw at the end, end with the and possibly throw out demons if you want to. You can force blackheart to exit his dash prematurely and then block immediately. it's not a free hit unless you let them hit you. Posted by TimeFlip on 01:21:2002 06:50 PM: Let's see: I use BH/Sent(Proj)/Doom(AAA) J.Sk,J.Sk/\D+Sk+Sent,D+Sk,Judgement Day or InfernoxxHOD (In corner) J.Sk,J.Sk/\D+Sk+Doom,D+Sk, Sj Jump canceled into air throw into rocks,Df+Hp,InfernoxxArmageddonxxHSF/\Rk/\Jp,Sk,Jp,Sk, DP Rocket Punch(pause)Sk, HardrivexxPhoton Array, Juggle with D+Sk, D+Fp, go to the infinite, or just Sk, Jp,RkxxPhoton ArrayxxArmageddon. Theoretically, it should work. Not sure on the damage. One question, does the opponent's height affect damage on Armageddon? Posted by GeekBoy on 01:21:2002 06:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip One question, does the opponent's height affect damage on Armageddon? I think it does, it works like Hailstorm (more damage higher they are). That's why Tempest XX Hailstorm does so much damage. Posted by Razor on 01:21:2002 11:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander Don't end BH's air combos with mk. It causes flying screen and BH can be hit during his dash for free. Storm can C.Roundhouse you, another BH can c.short, c.forard you (into assist into InfernoXX HOD), etc. Ending a combo with mk in the corner is safe because there is no forced dash in. But if you don't want to throw at the end, end with the and possibly throw out demons if you want to. Thats a good point but most players pretty slow to react but I'll definatly keep that in mind. Very Helpful, thanks!! Posted by Ouroborus on 01:22:2002 06:29 AM: after hitting the opponents with j. hk, launching and lp, lk, throw will suffice. Posted by Razor on 01:22:2002 07:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus after hitting the opponents with j. hk, launching and lp, lk, throw will suffice. You mean it will do the same amount of damage? In general, I prefer to not use throws simply because opponents can catch on and be ready to tech-hit Posted by GeekBoy on 01:22:2002 02:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by Razor You mean it will do the same amount of damage? In general, I prefer to not use throws simply because opponents can catch on and be ready to tech-hit It really wouldn't matter, since it's hard to get someone into an air combo in the first place. Valle vs. Wong at MWC5, Valle did the combo TWICE, out of 5 matches, which he landed from sj.RH demons when Wong messed up on something. Doesn't really matter on how many hits you do, but if you did the full air combo, you'll take off around 25-28% Posted by LighteningStorm on 01:22:2002 04:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Also, another good combo is Launch XX Armageddon Actually for more damage, use launch - inferno - Armegeddon. The inferno will take them higher in the air, thus the Armegeddon will take more damage. This works best on larger characters but if you get the timing of cancelling the launcher into the inferno it works on everyone. Even without the launcher the inferno - Armegeddon is a DAMN nice anti air, it OWNS most Magnetos and Storms. But beware... you should be ready with a backup super meter incase someone blocks and thrust-blocks you off of them. Posted by LighteningStorm on 01:22:2002 04:22 PM: Another thing that works well with almost every assist on the game. And it is faster than almost every character including Magneto. Starting the match with BH on point. Walk toward the oponent as soon as "FIGHT" rolls across the screen press BOTH roundhouse and the desired assist together. The character if they do not block will get bounced by the assist and the RH Demons will grab them and send them stunned across the screen. (and almost no fast character starts a fight off blocking - because they think they are faster than BH) Because they are bouncing across the screen they cannot shake out of it, as soon as they start flying across the screen inferno into HOD. This takes (depending on the assist) about 50% even on low damage settings. It is also simple enough that if the other person fights too much of a ground game that it will work in the middle of a match as well. Its downfalls. 1. Storm, Psylocke, Cammy (and probably a few other low-tier quickies) - are too fast for this to work at fight start. 2. Quick and invincible aaa will stop everything. 3. Characters that know they are too slow for BH will know that they should start the match blocking. But most Magnetos and Cables start with attacks and it works like a charm every time. Although you should beware the AHVB if Cable blocks it. Some assists that I know it works well with are: a & b Juggernaut (beta juggs is the BEST and does the worst damage) a Sentinel (this is about as good as b Juggs) a Psylocke, a Cammy, g Sonson, b Capcom, a Storm, b Dhalsim (this is amazingly good as well), a & b Cable. It also works well with a Magneto, but it's not recommended. Try it with just about anybody and any assist that hits almost immediately it works great. Posted by Deathfist on 01:23:2002 04:23 PM: Here are alot of the combos I use... 1]launch, lp,lp,lk,mp,airdash,lp,lk,mp, airthrow[corners]/b+hk[which doesen't combo, but forces them to block as I land or be relaunched and sets up a minor mindgame with crossup landings.] 2]Call cyc,lk,mk,wait, inferno, -continuations 1-inferno as many back to back times as I can [my max is 5] 2-inferno, Judgement day / hod 3-lightning blast, HOD 4-tag out 5-hk, tag out 6-the usual suspects [HOD, Judgement day]. 3]Common infinite off Cyc assist 4]Jump back low hp, call Cyc, Inferno, continuations in 2 or infinite. These are some sweet combos we have listed and I can't wait to try them out. Same thing for the strategies. Posted by Majin Vegita on 01:23:2002 08:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy This is probably BH's most powerful air combo: Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, air dash F, sj.LP, sj.LK, throw, it does a LOT of damage for some reason and it looks really cool. Which throw works best with this combo? Or can he only throw with the kick button in the air? Posted by Razor on 01:23:2002 11:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Majin Vegita Which throw works best with this combo? Or can he only throw with the kick button in the air? hehe, that was my question ____________________________ yo, launch, Inferno doesn't work with the diagonal FP version, you gotta go lp,mp which I don't like and sometimes screws up. and the only downside to ending the air combo with mk is if your opponent is cable, storm or magneto. I find that I'm catching quite a few people with the diagonal FP launcher so I need to get good at this air-combos Posted by No SpeaK on 01:24:2002 01:31 AM: Re: [MvC2] Blackheart quote: Originally posted by Razor We all know the infinite, but wanna post your good combos/arial raves? I got one: launch,lp,lk,ad+f,lk,lp,mk WHATS his infinite??????????????? Posted by Dasrik on 01:24:2002 01:54 AM: I don't know if I've mentioned this yet, but even if I did, it bears mentioning. Use jab inferno... I don't know why no one ever thinks of this. A lot of times Magneto/Storm players, in order to avoid/bait an inferno, will superjump back then airdash forward. Jab Inferno will get them. Oh... launch xx inferno works if you cancel into the inferno quick enough. I wouldn't suggest going for Armageddon afterwards except against Cable and maybe Magneto. Geddon is somewhat random and sometimes all the rocks won't hit for damage (or worse yet, will knock him right out of Armageddon). Posted by Razor on 01:24:2002 02:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik I don't know if I've mentioned this yet, but even if I did, it bears mentioning. Use jab inferno... I don't know why no one ever thinks of this. A lot of times Magneto/Storm players, in order to avoid/bait an inferno, will superjump back then airdash forward. Jab Inferno will get them. Oh... launch xx inferno works if you cancel into the inferno quick enough. I wouldn't suggest going for Armageddon afterwards except against Cable and maybe Magneto. Geddon is somewhat random and sometimes all the rocks won't hit for damage (or worse yet, will knock him right out of Armageddon). yeah with the jab the storm/mag guys just fly right into the column. BH's Infinite is Repeating SJ,RK,AD,RK repeat. RK = the demons which locks up your opponent and makes them sort of hover allowing you to hit them again with the RK after the AD (Air Dash). Most of the time I AD back. Posted by LighteningStorm on 01:24:2002 05:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik ...I wouldn't suggest going for Armageddon afterwards except against Cable and maybe Magneto. Geddon is somewhat random and sometimes all the rocks won't hit for damage (or worse yet, will knock him right out of Armageddon). Actually you have to understand the nuances to the Armageddon. You know how with the Armageddon it appears they fall more to one side of BH and not as much on the other? Well you can control which side gets the majority, by simply holding that direction at the beginning. (You cannot change sides however if you hold the wrong side to begin with.) Also mashing at the beginning and during it will make the Armageddon focus more on the opponent if the opponent is on the side where the Armageddon is the majority. This works quite perfectly everytime if you use the Inferno and cancel into Armageddon and hold the joystick to the side where the opponent is and mash during. Because with the character being high in the air and the Armageddon focusing on them due to the majority side they continually get hit until it's over. The only character that I have had fall out of that and stop being hit is Servbot. Now for Cable... I would suggest NEVER ever doing or even attempting this. FEAR THE AHVB!!!! If cable blocks, if you screw up and they fall out, or anything goes wrong at all then BH is dead. As for Magneto, as I said, this owns air-borne Magnetos. The best and worse thing about it against air-dashers like Magneto and Storm is it will almost always cross them up because they will airdash too far to escape the inferno and cross themselves and be hit by the Armageddon. This cross up however causes them to fall on the side that the Armageddon isn't falling as much on and has a higher liklihood of falling into a block. Posted by IcarusDownworks on 01:24:2002 06:27 PM: Sometimes I have trouble super jumping after the Cyke AAA. It seems like you have to wait a second before you sj, you can't do it right after the assist hits or else he just does a regular jump and fucks everything up. Does anyone know why this happens and any tips with the timing so it's not too early that he doesn't sj, but not too late the the sj.rh demons doesnt hit? Posted by Deathfist on 01:24:2002 07:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by IcarusDownworks Sometimes I have trouble super jumping after the Cyke AAA. It seems like you have to wait a second before you sj, you can't do it right after the assist hits or else he just does a regular jump and fucks everything up. Does anyone know why this happens and any tips with the timing so it's not too early that he doesn't sj, but not too late the the sj.rh demons doesnt hit? I have that problem too sometimes. Superjump as soon as the second lk is fired. It will be a Sj cancell and it will go off. Otherwise you will have to wait too long and often not be able to start the infinite. Often I just use one of my multibounce inferno combos instead. Also, I saw footage of a BH player doing normal jump hk, airdash, land, normal jump hk, airdash,land, repeat for his infinite. I tested it out and it works too. I use the SJ version one [which is SJ hk, airdash hk, guide, land, repeat ] personally. Posted by Dasrik on 01:24:2002 09:29 PM: Infinite: sj.RH (catch them out of air), airdash back, sj.RH (whiff), repeat It's very important that the second set of RH demons whiffs. Why? This will cause the demons clinging onto the juggled opponent to disappear - but the opponent will still be stunned. This means they can't mash out of it. If you're really good at this infinite, you can keep doing it until they undizzy, but it won't do a great deal of damage (50% at most) - if you have Cyclops AAA, it can be uncomboed by waiting for them to land and calling Cyke AAA as soon as they do so - the combo meter will reset, but they can't block it. Posted by Ouroborus on 01:25:2002 07:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by Razor You mean it will do the same amount of damage? In general, I prefer to not use throws simply because opponents can catch on and be ready to tech-hit Well, I think it does less damage but its much easier to do than the full combo. If you dont like throws. Just get like around 2 or 3 repeats of the infinite and end it with HOD. Posted by Razor on 01:25:2002 08:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus Well, I think it does less damage but its much easier to do than the full combo. If you dont like throws. Just get like around 2 or 3 repeats of the infinite and end it with HOD. That would be good but how can you get them into the infinite from an air combo? Posted by Ouroborus on 01:26:2002 12:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by Razor That would be good but how can you get them into the infinite from an air combo? lol, i think you misunderstood. i was saying that if you dont like throwing them, dont launch and AC after hitting the opponent with a j. hk. Posted by DarthSalamander on 01:26:2002 12:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by Adam*Warlock You can force blackheart to exit his dash prematurely and then block immediately. it's not a free hit unless you let them hit you. Explain. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 01:26:2002 01:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander Explain. Rapidly shaking the stick between down and upback will abort the dash prematurely. Posted by DarthSalamander on 01:26:2002 01:14 AM: I have heard about that but haven't seen anyone do it consistently. Is it pretty reliable or something you pray during? Posted by Razor on 01:26:2002 08:43 AM: Hey, this might sound way outta this place but the computer's done that twice!! I'mma try that out now! Posted by No SpeaK on 01:27:2002 03:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Infinite: sj.RH (catch them out of air), airdash back, sj.RH (whiff), repeat It's very important that the second set of RH demons whiffs. Why? This will cause the demons clinging onto the juggled opponent to disappear - but the opponent will still be stunned. This means they can't mash out of it. If you're really good at this infinite, you can keep doing it until they undizzy, but it won't do a great deal of damage (50% at most) - if you have Cyclops AAA, it can be uncomboed by waiting for them to land and calling Cyke AAA as soon as they do so - the combo meter will reset, but they can't block it. thanks dasrik All times are GMT. The time now is 12:20 AM. Show all 49 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.